International comparison: Expenditure of general government by function (COFOG)
Comparaison internationale: Dépenses des administrations publiques par fonction (COFOG)>frrdf
Confronto internazionale: Spesa delle amministrazioni pubbliche per funzione (COFOG)>itrdf
International comparison: Expenditure of general government by function (COFOG)>enrdf
Internationaler Vergleich: Staatsausgaben nach Aufgabenbereichen (COFOG)>derdf
Die Ausgaben des Staates (Bund, Kantone, Gemeinden und Öffentliche Sozialversicherungen) sind nach dem Aufgabenbereich ausgewertet. Wir benutzen die funktionelle Klassifikation COFOG (Classification of the functions of government) der Vereinten Nationen, die einen internationalen Vergleich der Ergebnisse erlaubt. Das Konzept der "Ausgaben" folgt dem Prinzip der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung; es enthält die Arbeitnehmerentgelte, die Vorleistungen, die Subventionen, die Sozialleistungen, die anderen Transfers, die bezahlten Zinsen und die Bruttoinvestitionen gemäss den Definitionen.>derdf
La spesa delle amministrazioni pubbliche (Confederazione, cantoni, comuni ed enti di previdenza sociale) è ripartita per funzione secondo la classificazione funzionale COFOG (Classification of the functions of government) delle Nazioni Unite, la quale permette di paragonare i risultati a livello internazionale. Il concetto di "spesa" comprende i redditi da lavoro, il consumo intermedio, le sovvenzioni, le prestazioni sociali, altri trasferimenti, gli interessi pagati e gli investimenti lordi conformemente alle definizioni dei Conti nazionali.>itrdf
The expenditure of general government (central government, state government, local government and social security funds) is broken down by function following the functional classification COFOG (Classification of the functions of government) of the United Nations, which allows an international comparison of the results. The "expenditure" concept follows the principles of the National Accounts; it refers to the compensation of employees, the intermediate consumption, the subsidies, the social benefits, the other transfers, the interests paid and the gross investments.>enrdf
The expenditure of general government (central government, state government, local government and social security funds) is broken down by function following the functional classification COFOG (Classification of the functions of government) of the United Nations, which allows an international comparison of the results. The "expenditure" concept follows the principles of the National Accounts; it refers to the compensation of employees, the intermediate consumption, the subsidies, the social benefits, the other transfers, the interests paid and the gross investments.>frrdf
SPARQL Endpoint avec présélection du graphe>frrdf
SPARQL Endpoint mit Vorauswahl des Graph>derdf
SPARQL Endpoint with graph preselection>enrdf